A part of all NHS Trusts’ digital requirements is the ability to effectively manage the documents that form part of the organisations’ operational foundations.

We have worked with many organisations whose existing systems had multiple files for one policy, varying in date and version, causing confusion and risk for the staff.

“Single Source of Truth” is a phrase we hear a lot. The ability to have a system that treats documents as commodities to be managed, updated, tracked and filtered. Allowing one location where all documents can be checked for relevance and reviewed, and also associated statistics that allow users to review how up-to-date all documents are globally.

We’ve recently developed a document management system that allows files to be tracked via their lifecycle, filtered by owners and type of policy/document, and which ratification groups they belong to.

These filtering systems offer a very specific insight into the state of policies and documentation, giving statistics on how up-to-date individual types of policies are.

Review dates can be set, owners/authors attached and managed globally (in the case of an owner leaving the organisation, all documents can be transferred en masse to a new owner), and supporting documentation and forms can be attached to master files.

Reports can also be run and exported as CSV files, agreed review targets can be set, and live reporting on the status of reviewed files can be displayed, locally and globally.

‘Mandatory Read’ can be set up to notify specific users or user groups when a relevant, updated file has been uploaded that they need to review. Their ‘viewing’ of the file is logged for future auditing purposes.

This is all supplemented by our standard file management functionality of review dates and notifications, global version control and rollback, as well as full meta data management for improved search functionality.

This is becoming a larger part of NHS organisations’ management procedures. We are constantly developing improved solutions and will update on our latest iteration of this system shortly. In the meantime, if you require any further information regarding this system, please get in touch.

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