At Frank we are always striving to improve our service and listen to our clients’ needs, as providing solutions to problems is a vital part of what we do. Having received a number of requests regarding the ability to monitor your website’s most popular files, we have developed brand new file download statistics functionality, which we can implement quickly to help you to get more out of your website.


  • Track the number of downloads for each of your files
  • Keep track of who uploaded each file and when
  • File review – input notes for when a file is up for review
  • Export the data to a CSV file


Previously, the CMS only allowed you to see file download statistics by going to each individual file. If you have lots of files, this can be a long and arduous process.

With this latest functionality you can:

  • See your most downloaded files at a glance - hone in on the areas of your site that users find the most value in, helping you to understand your users’ needs so you can build and expand upon these areas.
  • Improve your user journey - See which files are not as popular as you would like them to be and increase engagement or re-evaluate your site structure to focus users on particular areas of your site.
  • Keep your documentation up to date – using the file review field, you can add a note in with a date to remind you to review your files to ensure users always have access to the most relevant and up-to-date information.
  • Easy Data collection – Use the export function to download as many as 16 different elements of information about each of your website files in one CSV file.

If you are interested in File download statistics functionality for your website, please get in touch at or call on 0161 273 53 54

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